วันพุธที่ 30 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

Picture of Bartolomeu Dias Voyage...

  • This is the picture that Bartolomeu Dias are sailed around the sounthern tip of Afica....

History about the life of Bartolomeu Dias

Chapter 2 : About Bartolomeu Dias life

In Portuguese historians state that Bartolomeu Dias is a relative or descendant of João Dias who sailed

around Cape Bojador in 1434,and of Diniz Dias who said to have discovered the Cape Verde Islands. and in 1457

Bartolomeu Dias was born. Dias came from a noble Portuguese family and his father attended the Portuguese court

and Dias was well educated as befitted his status and would have been taught several languages, physics, geometry,

mathematics and astronomy. then Dias was a member of the royal Portuguese court and held the title of Sailing

Master of the Portuguese man-of-war Sao Cristovao (San Christovao) ,in 1481 Dias joined Diogo d'Azambuja to explore

the Gold Coast of Africa and in 10 Octber1486 King John II of Portugal appoints Bartolomeu Dias leader of an

expedition to sail around the southern most tip of Africa and make contact with a Christian ruler in the Indies called

Prester John . Marco Polo and Vasco De Gama had both informed the Portuguese court of the existence of Prester

John, King of Ethiopia.In August 1487 Bartolomeu Dias embarked from the River Tagus below Lisbon on his voyage of

exploration around Africa to the Indies with two armed caravels and one supply-ship, a square-rigger, which was

commanded by his brother, Pero Dias The voyage of exploration lasted sixteen months and the expedition route trave

travelled as follows:

  • Sao Jorge de Mina, the Portuguese fortress on the Gold Coast to take on extra provisions
  • Sailed passed the coast of Angola
  • December 1487 they reached Golfo da Conceicão (Walvis Bay)
  • Sailed into Golfo de Santo Estevao (Elizabeth Bay)
  • January 1488 unknowingly the sailed through a terrible storm around the Cape of Good Hope which Diaz called Cabo Tormentosa ,which is the Cape of Storm
  • Sailed North to Bahia dos Vaqueiros (Mussel Bay) where they landed February 3 1488
  • Landed at Bahia da Roca (Algoma Bay)
  • 12 March 1488 west of Bushman's River mouth, they dropped anchor at a headland, called False Islet, now known as Kwaaihoek and decided to embark on their return journey home

Then in December 1488 Dias retured back to Lisbon \(^-^)/having opened up lucrative trading routes from

Europe to Asia and with invaluable information for future Portuguese voyages of exploration These Portuguese

expeditions were headed by Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama and Pedro Alvares Cabral who all used the charts

prepared by Dias. and In 1497 Dias accompanied the expedition led by Vasco da Gama to India, In 1500 Dias

accompanied Pedro Álvares Cabral on the voyage that resulted in the discovery of Brazil. This voyage mysteriously

took a course to the New World and Cabral discovered Brazil - the expedition then turned back towards the south coast

of Africa.After that in 29/24( I don't know what is the true one) May 1500 Dias die at violent storm in the Cape of

Good Hope

And that is about Bartolomeu Dias I think that is very interesting for me! and I very thank you Google that give

me an information. ^^

วันอังคารที่ 29 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

Bartolomeu Dias

Chapter 1:Short Biography about the life Bartolomeu Dias

Bartolomeu Dias sailed around the southern tip of Afican,the Cape of good hope in 1488.Dias had discover a sea route from Europe to Asia.....

Short Biography about the life Bartolomeu Dias

  • Nationality- Portuguese

  • Lifespan - 1457-1500

  • Family-Noble Portuguese family

  • Edueation - Well educated befitting the status of his family

  • Career- Naigator and Explorer

  • Famous as- the first European to lead 1487 vyage around the eape of Good Hope on the southern most tip of south Afica